What Happens In Vegas

This week, join Liar City — back from hiatus — as we tell the story of the sad, slow fall of an America icon.


No, not that story — the one that came later.

OJ Simpson on trial, 2008.

OJ Simpson on trial, 2008.

A downward spiral so slow, so painful that it almost makes 1994 seem like an afterthought.

Christie Prody, OJ's classy girlfriend, circa 2015

Christie Prody, OJ’s classy girlfriend, circa 2015


We’ll cover everything — from Frogmen to bag men, from stolen trophies to thrown-away dignity, we’ll get into it.

Listen on iTunes, on Stitcher, or TuneIn Radio, or just click the player below:


Note: This episode, and every episode after it, is dedicated to the Memory of Beth Ann Flanagan-Frantum —  my sister, my rock, my foundation. Rest in peace, sis.

Beth-Ann and Brian, 2015.

Beth-Ann and Brian, 2015.