Stella Liebeck’s Coffee and Neil Young’s Middle Finger

Frivolous lawsuits have long been fodder for late-night TV jokes, and empty vitriol from politicians gunning for tort reform.

A 3 million dollar cup of coffee, a defective shower cap — these things are ripe for ridicule.

This week, after a very TMI explanation for our recent hiatus, we’ll talk about a couple of famous lawsuits with eye-rolling reputations and try to get to the bottom of civil law in America.

Coffee burn victim Stella Liebeck in 1994.

Coffee burn victim Stella Liebeck in 1994.


We’ll also listen to more Neil Young than Darien ever thought possible.


Neil Young effectively ruining David Geffen's year, 1983.

Neil Young effectively ruining David Geffen’s year, 1983.


**When you’re finished with the episode, if you’d like to see the graphic photo, click here. Don’t say you weren’t warned, and don’t try to sue us for intentional infliction of emotional distress.** 


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  1. Dustin Perrotti